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Purfling materials question
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Author:  livermo2 [ Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Purfling materials question

I realize this will probably be a post that generates some rolling of the eyes similar to people asking about using maple from a box store to build a "nice set" of back and sides, but....

Has anyone used some sort of alternative materials for purfling lines other than fiberboard or veneer?

I have a 1/4" slab of binding matierial that I want to glue some purfling veneer to on before cutting it into strips, but the fiber board I have is thicker than desired. It occured to me that in using this method to cut binding/purfling, there might be another material I might be able to use that could be readily available from a source other than a luthier supplies shop.

Does anyone have any serious suggestions?

Thanks in advance for your ideas,

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